The Loebker Football Pool

This blog will contain updates on the Loebker family football pool. All picks are due an hour before the start of games.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

If you see this man, approach carefully - He is considered armed and very cantankerous!!!

This guy hates my blog, so if you see him give him a punch or at least give him a hard time. (Stay away from the knee though, that would make him cry)

Anyway, the first week is over and there were a lot of surprises! I never thought the Broncos would lose to the Rams. I think Toby is taking over the curse from Scott.

Since the old guy doesn't understand that you can click on the image below to enlarge it, I will spell it out for him.

1st- Kevin (14pts)
2nd-Scott (13pts)
3rd- Ann (12pts)
4th - Dad (12pts) (no -I will not share 3rd place)
5th - Dan (11pts)
6th - Stephanie (10pts)
7th - Dave (8pts)
8th -Toby (0 points) :(

Congratulations to the new guy!!! Keep up the good work Kevin. Although I'm taking you down when the Bengals play the Steelers!

Have a great week and don't forget to get your picks to me anyway you can by Sunday. (email, phone, blog comment, smoke signals, etc.)

P.S. For any of you doing the Yahoo Picks-check out who's number 1. I think we should all quit now and declare me queen of football.


  • At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I think I would've had a better chance at making money in this pool if I had taken my $10 and flushed it down the toilet!



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