The Loebker Football Pool

This blog will contain updates on the Loebker family football pool. All picks are due an hour before the start of games.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Week 10

This week was upsetting to me for many various reasons. The Bengals lost again after the best record-setting 1st half ever. I am hoping that the defense took several thousand laps in order to get ready for the next probable stinker against the New Orleans Saints. Cross your fingers and pray that Chris Henry wont be the clinch receiver again next week.

The good news this week is mostly for Kevin. He won all four of his games gaining 21 points and moving from 6th to 4th place. (congrats, even though it was at my expense partially) I lost big points on that Jets/Patriots game in the Pigskin picks, but at least that game made someone happy.

Dad didn't do too bad either, winning 3 out of 4.

Also, I was looking at the sheet that I posted and some of the colors are pretty similar. Make sure to look at the background color and the font color if you are at all confused.

Have a great week and make sure to get your picks to me. Keep in mind that next week (Thanksgiving Day week)there are games on Thursday games and if your teams are playing, you need to get your picks in early. I'll remind you next week too.


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